The H K Library of the Institute is well equipped, and having a rich collection of books approximately 45,741 on various subjects including books on social science, research methodology and also subjects like economics, political science, sociology, psychology etc.
The Library is well equipped and having rich collection on various Social Science subjects including Economics, Economic Development Studies, Political Science, Research Methodology, Sociology, Gender Studies etc.
It also receives Grey literature like Working Papers, Seminar papers, Technical reports, Govt. Reports, Census of India publications, reports of various committees, NSSO reports, etc. from various ICSSR Research Institute. Besides this, it has an excellent collection of bound volumes. The Library subscribes about 20 Indian journals and 15 Foreign journals, in addition to this, 150 journals are received on gift/exchange basis.
Thaltej Road, Near Doordarshan Kendra, Ahmedabad, 380 054 Gujarat, India.
+91 79 2685 0598
+91 79 2685 1714